Scantrol Deep Vision Camsounder 3D

Record and analyze species, sizes, and locations of fish in real-time

Proactive Decision Support

Deep Vision CamSounder delivers real-time catch data, aiding proactive crew decisions

AI powered trawl sensor in action, Camsounder

Fish Measurement

CamSounder identifies and measures fish species and sizes in real-time

Deep Vision AI Powered Fish underwater Image

Catch Value

CamSounder boosts catch value, reduces bycatch, and supports sustainable fishing

Scantrol Deep Vision Camsounder Fish Scanner


for Commercial Fisheries

Improve catch value - Reduce bycatch - Trawl more efficiently

Combine real-time fish echo sounder and fish imagery data from the trawl 

Be informed in realtime of type and size of fish entering the trawl

Keep the valuable fish and release bycatch and undersized fish

Scantrol Deep Vision Camsounder Front View


for marine research

No Catch - Just Data

Scantrol Deep Vision Camsounder 3D

For more efficient and sustainale reserach

Record species, size, and location of fish from Deep Vision trawl images without catch

Analyze stocks directly on your computer 

Efficient eco-friendly fish sampling and analysis in the trawl 

Know your Catch!

CamSounder leverages advanced imaging and machine learning algorithms to accurately measure and identify fish species and sizes in real-time


Know you catch

Scantrol Deep Vision Camsounder 3D Front View

Ai powered Trawl Sensor

CamSounder is an advanced AI-powered trawl sensor operating wirelessly

Proactive Decision Support

CamSounder delivers real-time catch data, aiding proactive crew decisions

Real-Time Fish

CamSounder identifies and measures fish species and sizes in real-time

Catch Value

CamSounder boosts catch value, reduces bycatch, and supports sustainable fishing


Deep Vision is based on advanced image processing and computer vision techniques integrated into a robust and innovative subsea enclosure attached to the trawl net.

It is currently available for marine research purposes with the advantage that accurate sampling data can be obtained from images without bringing the fish onboard the vessel. Deep Vision can be integrated with acoustic software to assist in interpreting echosounder data.

The Deep Vision system is now being developed for commercial trawl fisheries to automatically sort the catch in the trawl based on species and length of desired catch. The fishery version will be commercially available in the end of 2024.

Key Challenge

Almost 90% of global commercial fish stocks are overfished or fully exploited and 1/3 of the stocks are overfished. At the same time, we need to feed a growing population reaching 9.8 billion by 2050, and global demand for seafood is expected to double. Today's fishing methods are inefficient and unsustainable, losing approximately $83 billion a year in revenue. In order to make changes in ocean harvesting, we need to know what kind of fish and species enter the trawl before it lands on deck.

In close collaboration with our sister company Girona Vision Research (GVR), we are able to address these challenges through the development of vital computer vision, machine learning, and autonomous control technologies.

To improve catch efficiency and reduce bycatch to a minimum, the main goal is to deliver real-time fish sampling and analysis in the trawl to the global fishing industry.


We base our activities on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Through innovative new technology we work towards creating resilient solutions for a greener future.


  • Making sustainable seafood more accessible

  • Providing sustainable catch data to ensure sustainable fish sourcing

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Deep Vision will contribute by:


  • Reducing the time spent at sea catching the fish

  • Reducing fuel consumption

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Deep Vision will contribute by:


  • Reducing overfishing and bycatch

  • Improving the efficiency and accuracy of stock assessment

  • Enhancing catch documentation

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.

Deep Vision will contribute by:

Latest Activities